Friday, October 07, 2005


Ah yes, it is the most glorious freaking cold day ever! Let's talk about things that are awesome.
1. Getting lunch catered in
2. Getting done with a week long project.
3. The office buying massages for everyone who works there.
4. Weekend in 3 1/2 hours.
5. Vacation in 1 week.

I am currently doing a dance in my cube. Hair tossing and all.

I suppose I owe what I have promised, another quality embarrassing moment from the vault of millions.

Moment # 3

Last fall we went to Argosy casino for MAP. I know what you are thinking, " Hey, I supported her last year, and she went to casinos under the guise of MAP." My response is "Yep, thanks for helping me out with my habit." Just Kidding.

We decided it would be fun to video tape some of the things we did for MAP. Somehow I was given control of a video camera. (Don't ask me how, balancing while attempting to tie my shoe is a hard enough thing for me to do. Giving me a video camera and asking me to talk, walk, or be my normal witty self is utterly pointless.) I was filming as we were pulling up to the casino and for some reason thought I needed to film as I was getting out of the bus. I don't even make it down one step before literally falling face first out of the bus onto the blacktop. No clue how I didn't break anything, I probably faceplanted from about 4 feet up, a belly flop onto cement if you will. If the utter humiliation of doing that in front of about 20 people + any innocent bystanders wasn't enough it was deemed worthy for the MAP supporter luncheon video. So a whole new slew of people got to see the camera as it went crashing onto the ground.

Well done tiff, well done.

1 comment:

tiffany said...

hang around. I fall over more than any other human being. I think my feet are too small for my body,