Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Apparently yelling "PICK UP THE PHONE" over intercom is not the best way to address people at work. Thankfully it was not me that made this fatal error.

Has anyone else noticed that KC has been smelling rather foul lately? I can't get away from the smell of hair salon perms. I know what you are all thinking, and no I didn't forget to shower/eat a lot of spicy food/get a perm last night. It smells here.

"Fun Size candy bars are getting smaller....it looks like something my dog squeezed out."


amy said...

Yeah. If "fun sized" candy bars were actually FUN, they would be huge. Like, bigger than normal. "Here you have snack size, full size, and FUN size!"


shalinn said...

what also smells foul was the halls of the elementary school i work at this afternoon. and the disturbing part? i had two students that asked to go to the bathroom just so they could get closer to the source of the smell. someone must have let out a not so fun sized deuce.