Friday, June 02, 2006

"First time I had Bologna it was Nicaragua

I washed that *$%! down with a glass of agua."

If you haven't watched Jamie Kennedy's Blowin' Up. You need to figure out a way to get that done. We don't have cable, so maybe everyone has caught on to this show and is obsessed like I am. I hear that it re-runs all the time. I believe it is still free to download the first episode on i-tunes if that's an option for you. The basic premise of the show is that Jamie is trying to start a rap career, there have been several guest "stars." I am not going to tell you who, because specifically in the first episode it is much better to find out when you see it. Go. See. If you don't laugh you probably should consider getting some inner healing prayer because you might be dead inside, or in a coma.


shalinn said...

Bologna, bologna, put it in my face.
Bologna, bologna, I'm back like Mace.
Bologna, bologna, all over the place.
Memories of bologna I can't erase.

The first time I had bologna's Nicaragua.
Had that #$%& down with a glass of agua.
First time I had it, daddy went ga-ga.
Made me so happy - - uh uh.

It's like a gay rapper.

Igford said...

I find your blog to be pleasantly contradistinctive. Curious, yet practical.