Monday, January 30, 2006

Sometimes I think He is just showing off...

I literally had the best 3 days of my life last week. It is not really stuff I can share via internet, but it was good....Throw yourself in front of a truck and not care about it hitting you good. Apparently I have been looking at the ground while God's been waving His goodness banner (I don't really know what that means either) right in front of my face. I looked up just in time to be close-lined by it. Which is where I find myself now. Semi-unconscious, a little confused, overwhelmed, excited, nervous, and completely in awe of God. I didn't even see it coming. You just never know when everything is going to change.

On a completely separate note saying "I appreciate architecture." as an excuse for staring at my boobs, while very funny, will not get you a date with me.

1 comment:

michelle said...

congrats to you on what i would refer to as a frying pan moment! :) god is so awesome in that way! and i would have to agree that is not a very good excuse.