Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Please tell me everyone has stories from their childhood involving farris wheels an coffee torture.

My recent trip inspired me to reflect on the many vacations I took as a child. We traveled a lot. My last name should have been Jolie-Pitt. Maybe I’ll look into getting it changed. Although we were hardly on the frontlines promoting world peace, we most certainly were being relentlessly photographed by the paparazzi…and by paparazzi I mean my mom.

We used to drive to New Mexico at least once every year to see family. It is a 14 hour drive. We started going down there when I was around 10 which means my younger sisters would have been 7 and 4. That is a kind of torture the government needs to look into. Chain the "knower of information" to the wall and make them endure 3 kids, 10 and under, for 14 hours. It would be a lot less bloody, and everyone would leave with all their fingernails. Anyway. On one trip my grandma crashed the car into the guard rail (which stopped us from plummeting down a cliff) when she fell asleep at the wheel. None of us were hurt, but I did cause a full glass of hot coffee to be dumped on my crotch while I was sleeping. I think I was an awkward 12 or 13 at the time. There was no rest stop in sight so I had to change clothes in front of everyone. It was AWESOME!!! It only proves that sleeping on the floor of a moving vehicle is not a good idea. shocker.

Different Trip.Place: The amusement park Frontier City (a.k.a gateway to hell) . We all get on the farris wheel. When we get to the very top a huge storm roles in. It was the kind of storm that always happens in movies at the exact moment someone is trying to escape something, or realizes they really need to make out. Maybe rain lets off a pheromone that sends a signal that says KISS RIGHT NOW OR THE WORLD WILL END!!! Well, since I was related to everyone in the gondola it was decided we needed to escape not make out. We were at the very top, the sky was black, and it was lightening. I smoked a cigarette and watched everyone else scream. Okay, so I didn’t smoke. But I don’t remember being that scared, most likely because I was in a tremendous amount of shock because of my mom’s reaction. She was screaming profanity off the top of the farris wheel. I don’t think I had ever really heard my mom cuss before that point, and she whipped out every word in the book. The farris wheel conductor man got an earful….along with the rest of Frontier City. I am sure there were parents holding their hands over their kid’s ears crying and praying for mercy as they thought the day of judgment was there, and God was a PMSing woman. Eventually we made it off sans cuts, bruises, and lightening strikes. It was all worth it knowing that I now have an everlasting memory of my mom yelling like a drunken sailor. O childhood, how I miss you so. (Actual farris wheel o' death pictured....terrifying isn't it.)


amy said...

Ah, I wish I had memories of my mom cussing like a drunken sailor. All I've got is my dad telling me over the phone that my mom said, "A word."

I said, "What word?"

Mom: "Damn."

Me: hysterical laughter (this woman is as much as southern belle as you can imagine)

She says, "What? I was knitting and when the phone rang the cat jumped off my lap and it pulled out a bunch of stitches!"

Ah, if that were my worst problem...

amy said...

Sorry for the book. I should've written that on my own blog, eh?

shalinn said...

amy's comment has inspired me. i'll have to rival it though and beat it soundly in the sqirmish.

i got hot coffee poured all over my favorite teddy bear sweatshirt and accompaning sweatpants in 2nd grade as my dad's car got broadsided in a car accident with me in it on the way to school. i spent that whole school day reaking of coffee and "bear"ing brown stains down my whole front side. so hot right now. or then.

i too have gotten stuck on the top of an ammusement park ride in the rain, but mine was a roller coaster. once the ride started up again though, the lever to shut off the ride at the end got stuck, the carny couldn't do anything about it, and we zipped past those in line as we rode the coaster again, rain pelting our faces. it was kind of fun though....

lastly, my mother's big cussing moment came when our cow got loose and was standing on the highway. she (a pastor's wife mind you) kept yelling "SHIT!" as my little sister stood on the tree swing in front of our house in her bathing suit crying and yelling because she wanted to go to the pool. my best junior high friend and i stood mortified (we had been painting the fence) as the police came to help move the cow and direct the highway traffic which was backed up for at least a 1/2 mile on both sides in front of our house.

end scene.

kimberly said...

I cannot possibly describe to you how much I fear ferris wheels. I'll tell you this, it's almost as much as I fear horses.
Actually, no, horses are way scarier.
I wouldn't get on either.

Anonymous said...

Tiff... You're freaking hilarious.