Monday, March 06, 2006

Holy Skunk Pelts Batman! We're being FOLLOWED!!!!!!

This + this = Sarah's worst nightmare! I wish I would have had a video camera in my car yesterday. Sarah and I were in my car on the way back to her house after dinner. We pull up to a stop light and without even a flinch Sarah looks at me and says “that is the worst toupee I have ever seen.” That was the understatement of the year. This elderly (I am not exaggerating) man had what looked like a skunk pelt that he took a curling iron to on his head. We began noticing that he was staring at us. Let me take this opportunity to define stare in this instance. By stare I mean eyes squinting, face scrunched to half its size and his nose had to be no less than ½ an inch from the window. (I blame Sarah. She was sitting closest to him. Don’t show that cute face off girl…unless you want some old man lovin’….I fear I may have just lost a friend.) It was then we realized this man was pacing us. I just sat there staring at him because I wanted him to know I saw him, and that I could kick his butt if he tried anything. Luckily I was wearing a sleeveless shirt so I could show off my massive guns. The next stoplight we came to I stopped about 20 feet behind the car in front of me to see what the dude was trying to pull. He stopped right next to my car. It should be noted that there were no cars in front of him. Sarah had yet to see the mug I had been staring at. I don’t think I have ever seen her so freaked out. She claims that face will give her nightmares…which may actually be true. I don’t think I can put words to the kind of strange this face was. I decided that since there are cars behind me and I haven’t had a turn signal on now would be the time to lose him. I slam on the gas and make a really quick left turn. It is really good I had the “bat out of hell” button installed. Sarah then sees the man turn around in a parking lot and did something I have never seen or heard her do in our nearly 7 year friendship. She screamed at the top of her lungs, which makes me start laughing because it was so unexpected. I went to bed last night and just started laughing hysterically because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Thanks Sarah, It was a great car ride.


donna said...


michelle said...

that was hillarious...though if i had been in the car i probably woulda been crying AND screaming!

Anonymous said...

Tiffany is not exaggerating. This was the face of the scariest person I have ever made eye contact with. Thanks be to God for Tiffany and her amazing driving skills. Sorry for the scream Tiff. :)

Craig Mac said...

Ah Sarah. Bles-sings!!

tiffany said...

WOOOHOOO!!!I got a Mac comment!!!

It should be noted that Sarah said I have "amazing driving skills."

Anonymous said...

woot woot! when i leave you a comment, it's a Mac comment too - 'cause i typed it on my Mac. just because our name's not craig mcelvain does not mean that your other readers don't deserve a shout out. your driving skills are pretty freakin' amazing though. does sarah scream when she has nightmares? i may have to pray about this.