Friday, March 23, 2007

Proof that I NEED Fashion...

I have been once again forced to evaluate myself. I have been on spring break for the past week, and while hanging out with my sister has been a lot of fun, most of my thought life has been spent wondering why I feel like I am being lazy. Could it be that once you are used to working long hours with little time off a week off seems like an eternity with nothing to do? Possibly, but I really thought I would enjoy having nothing to do a lot more than I have been. If anything it has made me depressed. Of course it could be the fact that the sun has been playing games with my heart, and I am someone who is very affected by weather. OR could it be that I have finally found what I love doing and the absence of it makes me incredibly sad. I would like to his it is the latter of the three. Any way you spin it the week that is supposed to be a bikini clad week spent carrying on has been nothing more than a week spent wandering to what felt like nowhere, still wearing the bikini though. It is spring break after all. I did finally find the sunglasses I have been looking for everywhere. Vintage ray bans. I know you all think I have lost it, but trust me they are coming back.
On a totally different note I am very grateful for all my friends that decided 24 was worthy of a kick in the pants and helped me wave it goodbye. I would give you my flikr link, but my computer has been doing some hard drugs and won't let me access yahoo because apparently yahoo is way worse than the rock it's been doing. Just more proof that drugs are bad.

1 comment:

shalinn said...

i honestly thought for a minute that people had talked you out of ever watching 24 again, and i was going to be pissed and very confused. then i realized that you meant that you kicked the age of 24 goodbye. almost gave this near 26-year-old a heart attack.