Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The following took place between the hours of 12 pm and 1pm

Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me since January knows I have a date every Monday night. His name is Jack, and we are in love. (By we, I mean me.) He isn’t real, but I don’t care. If you haven’t ever seen 24 it is hands down the most addictive tv show I have ever seen. Every week I find myself on the edge of my couch yelling expletives, and at least once per episode “I LOVE YOU JACK!!!” at the top of my lungs. I bought the first season this weekend and have already watched the first 7 hours of the day. I am fairly sure I have been on the brink of heart attack a couple times. There is a reason only one hour is shown at a time. I know the dangers of watching too much tv (brain rotting and spewing out my ears), and being in love with a fictional character (but have you seen him? HELLO!!! He is a badass, He fights for what’s good, even if he is a little unethical. BUT he has tattoos, and ultimately he does what is right. Did I mention the tattoos?) but it is all worth it to feel like at the end of the day/season the country was saved from disaster. It also helps that my favorite character (with the exception of Jack obviously) is a spitting image of my sister in both appearance and personality. The constant scowl on her face coupled with her attitude problem laced with sarcasm gives the show a comic relief that is the final nail in the coffin of addiction. All that to say, if you call me between the hours of 8 and 9 on Monday night you will get my voicemail, if you come to visit, you will be asked to sit quietly until the scenes from next week are shown. If you would like to watch it with me be prepared to hear screaming, but feel free to join me in my weekly lovefest for Jack Bauer. Monday nights are so gloriously wonderful.


shalinn said...

previously, on 24......let us (and by us i mean you) not forget who led you to the magical life of kiefer love. i do believe a certain lady with a bizarre yet freakin' cool name did just such a deed for you, and should get at least one tattoo devoted to her on your or jack's body when you two get hitched. just a suggestion....

Igford said...

I'll bet I could beat Jack Bauer up.

Anonymous said...

we are just as addicted to the current season even though it's almost too intense for me at times. glad you found a new obsession, i mean love. glad you have found a new love!

shalinn said...

you're never gonna blog again are you? it would require you to take off the picture of keifer and i'm not so sure you have the strength or the will to do that....