Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What is this strange new world?

As most of you probably know I recently started a new job . I am very confused by the new training I am receiving. I had to go through a tutorial yesterday for 30 minutes on how to use a telephone. Why? No freaking clue. One of the slides was literally instructions on how to hang up a phone. If I can't figure out how to hang up the phone I would be extremely concerned about my job performance in other more complex area's like turning on a computer. It was also made very clear to me about 5 or 6 times that insider trading is not allowed. Man it is like they are inside my head, there goes my plan to obtain lots of money and take over the world. I feel like I am in kindergarten for adults. I really don't know what that means, but that is what it feels like.

Honestly though I have really liked it so far. The people who work here are fabulous! I did have to make some slight adjustments to my cube. In a move that can only be called boldly shocking I covered the grey and navy blue with green and tan fabric. I can't work in an eternally cloudy day. Maybe that should be the direction my business turns, cube decorating.

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