Thursday, September 29, 2005

Old clothes and things that smell, one in the same if you are me

All morning I kept smelling this foul stench, and could not for the life of me figure out where it was coming from. Then the moment of truth came, that smell was coming from me. Ughhhhh. I pulled out a sweater this morning from the back of my closet that I haven't worn for a year, and apparently it picked up an odor that can only be described as a mix of thrift store and B.O. What the hell has been going on in the back of my closet? I feel like the kid that no one wants to sit next to at lunch because their parents are to afraid to have a talk with them concerning the benefits of using deodorant. Just a friendly reminder that it is a good idea to wash your clothes from last winter before wearing them again this winter.

1 comment:

shalinn said...

so you deleting the other comment someone made must have meant it was a doozie. intrigued. if it's any consolation, i don't remember you smelling like anything inappropriate this morning before i left for work. i and your co-workers thank you for that. lesson learned.