Monday, April 23, 2007

How to get a restraining order...

When propositioning the opposite sex it is best to not do it by drunkenly rubbing your butt against their leg and asking for their phone # by going through your missed call list asking if it is their missed call 20 minutes after you met. AND then 2 months later when they politely try to ignore you and the fact that the entire thing happened, let them. Do not move so that you sit directly across from them and stare for an hour. It's weird, and they're trying to figure out why in the 2 days they were forced to spend with you INDOORS they never saw you without your sunglasses on...ok maybe that is just me.


Two Guys Good Health said...

i dont know tiff. the drunken leg rub typically works pretty well for me. could it be that you are merely out of touch with what's hot?

Igford said...

See. Graham knows what's what. Keep it real, Tiff.

shalinn said...

i've also heard that blatantly disobeying your ex-girlfriend's dad's orders could get you slapped as well. any takers? oh yes...we have a live one!