Friday, December 08, 2006

Not for the squeamish...

Most days at work are fun and fairly uneventful. Yesterday was not. I don't know if it was just because it was unbearably cold outside or if someone unloaded a truck full of rude laced with bitterness right outside our door. Everyone that came in acted as if we were responsible for not only the weather but also EVERY BAD THING THAT HAD EVER HAPPENED TO THEM. I turned a corner to put some jeans away and was met by a stare that could freeze alcohol. I politely asked if there was anything I could help her with. I was interrupted with the following

" I want some black pants that don't show my pubic hair."

Nevermind the fact saying the words pubic hair in the first sentence after meeting someone is weird, since when has the Gap been known for their crotchless pants? She also thought it was appropriate to completely bash teenagers, Christmas, and inform me that when I am in my late 50's I would understand. Okay, but until then I am going to try and stay off of the bitter train.


kimberly said...
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kimberly said...
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kimberly said...

I would have told her to go across the hall to Rave. I bet they could help her there.
maybe that only works at oak park...there probably isn't much on the plaza that can compare. too bad...maybe in thirty years you'll understand.

kimberly said...

boy, my computer is really loving blogger today. maybe in thirty years I'll understand.

shalinn said...

talking about hair on any place other than your head is strictly forbidden unless you are in a salon where they can also take care of hair, well, you know, there. maybe you should put a sign up at the gap as a reminder, because in all those years of "wisdom," apparently that lady didn't get the memo.

Anonymous said...

sounds like she was dealing with a bad case of menopause! whoo! customer service is NOT for the faint of heart!

ps THANKS! it was a wonderful suprise to see you today and then to top it off you gave me such wonderful news! :D yay!