Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The one with all the quirks...

The following are a list of quirks that one is bound to run into if any time with me is spent.

1. I shower irregularly. It is disgusting and is in direct conflict with the next thing on my list.

2. I hate smelling bad. I have hypersensitive senses and I can smell things from a mile away. It is a rare day when I am not wearing perfume of some sort. I carry perfume in my purse just in case. My car even has its own scent. Febreeze is the love of my life.

3. I always drink with a straw. Always.

4. If I am making a point at some point in the discussion I will be scrunching my hair and sucking in my cheeks. When I feel like I have just put the exclamation on a point, which is obviously right, and there is a cup around I apparently make some sort of face and then take a drink, out of my straw of coarse.

5. I talk in weird accents and voices.

6. I don't like sleeping with other people in my bed. Pillows. Pillows are what I like in my bed.

7. I hate fish. They freak me out. Went snorkeling in about 2 feet of water in the Bahamas and absolutely lost it because tiny angel fish were swarming around my head. Eww.. I feel like they're on me right now.

8. I am anal retentive about my teeth. That is kind of a gross way to put that. I have a tooth picker, a tongue scraper, a tooth brush, whitening retainer. If it is put in the oral hygiene aisle I own it. I love going to the dentist.

9. I use both bar soap and body wash. Don't ask why, you don't want to know.

10. I dance. All the time. Anywhere. The kitchen, on my way to the copy machine, in the shower. I once fell out of the shower due to this bad habit. If they didn't line the doors with metal I wouldn't have ended up wet, naked, AND bloody on my parents bathroom floor. Pretty sure they thought I was shot when they heard my scream followed by the huge thud.

Feel free to add more, I am the quirkiest person alive so there are many I am leaving out.

Just an idea:
If you don't read my friend amy's blog you a. need to, and b. per her request googlism your name. It is awesome. Just to give you an idea of the joy that is before you here's what mine pulled up:

tiffany is an online multiplayer
tiffany is going to kill you
tiffany is an 8 year old korean male who
tiffany is getting real
tiffany is toll free
tiffany is in town
tiffany is" you can see how to do this same thing here
tiffany is a good talker
tiffany is an online multiplayer game about four guys trying to win the favor of a super hot chick named tiffany
tiffany is a flash
tiffany is a young adult silkie girl not for the faint hearted
tiffany is so tasty
tiffany is curious about sixty minute man's costume
tiffany is the bond that holds us all together
tiffany is simply to get her to dig you and choose you over the slew of other guys out there doing the same thing
tiffany is an online multiplayer
tiffany is an 8 year old korean male who
tiffany is going to kill you
tiffany is toll free
tiffany is a medium
tiffany is recognized internationally as a trademark for beauty and elegance
tiffany is silent no more she was ultimately the queen of pop of the '80s
tiffany is an acclaimed international speaker and has been featured at internet industry conferences
tiffany is played exclusively on
tiffany is feeling real frisky
tiffany is still on steroids to keep her brain fluid draining
tiffany is caused by an overwhelming systemic response to infection

who knew? I mean I did know I was male, Korean, a flash and a response to infection, but everything else...Wow!


Anonymous said...

Febreze is the love of my life as well. I like your quirk of attracting strange older men. :)

amy said...

Okay, Sarah laughed her BUTT off about my obsession with my teeth, and come to find out you're obsessed with yours too?? Fabulous. We can be toll free together.

shalinn said...

i love sleeping with other people in my bed! oh wait- that's weird. googlism sucks. it has nothing to say about the name shalinn. maybe it's just my name that sucks - no, that's not it.

kimberly said...

AMEN on the straws. I get a lot of waiters that look at me like a freak when I order my drink and add on "with a straw." If everyone would just INCLUDE the straw...

michelle said...

kim, the reason we (servers) look at you like you have three heads when stating you want a straw is that typically if we have straws you will get one...so its kind of like asking for a book with a cover...also realize that we are also probably tired and hate our jobs so dont take it personally...thats why i quit! :D