Thursday, October 06, 2005


My assumption is that I am fast approaching a day when I will not have hours to spend on my computer writing blogs, but will actually have work to do. Until that day, I am here to entertain the masses. In the works for today, a list of things that will make me laugh when no one is around.

1. A man renouncing Satan at a baptism by declaring "I will kick Satan's ass."

2. This picture.It makes me laugh, and cry all at the same time. What is wrong with people? (By people I mean Michael Jackson.)I believe it reads "That Pilates class was Rad! Sarah is so much fun to do pilates with. Michael Jackson: Pilates Guru" (

3. The image of the girl grinding with her boyfriend using not-so seductive hair tossing methods at the Coldplay concert. Seriously's coldplay not D'Angelo. Even if it was D'Angelo, I would still be laughing. I don't think I could replicate that move if I wanted to.

Sorry guys that's it for now. Gotta go work. Shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want the Michael Jackson picture out of head immediately. Where do you find such things?