Thursday, November 03, 2005

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph we have a PROBLEM!!!

Last night was no ordinary night, o no my friends, it was trading spouses night on fox. I am not usually drawn to that sort of thing. Usually it goes like this: Two people with different lives switch places, everyone realizes they like things there own way. Like I needed a TV show to tell me that. I already know I like my life better than someone who lives on a farm, gets up at 2 to feed the cows, and has no indoor plumbing. Why anyone would ever sign up for something like that is beyond me. If people don't realize that the producers are going to hook them up with a lifestyle completely opposite of the one they are used to, than they deserve to be at a freaking solstice party throwing incense into a fire and dry heaving. It is always their aim to make people look as nuts as they can. Spend 4 hours watching tv while braiding a child's hair and donating lots of money to a good cause, and then go on a screaming rampage and throw a kid across the room. I don't care if the kid suddenly became rabid and tore a piece of the flesh off of your arm which caused you to hurl the lovable little craphead into the wall. You threw a child, and that is UNFORGIVABLE!!!(Resounding gong)
Last night was the "Jerry Springer of wife swaps"(shalinn's words not mine.)

One family...excuse me, woman was a "Fiercly religious," psycho Christian (Marguerite.) A lethal combination in the fight against spreading Christianity anywhere FOX is shown. A very vocal woman who was exorcising every space and person she was around. The woman freaked out when she saw a star covered in Christmas lights, and dry heaved when the dryer started making a weird noise. Her best quotes: "I feel uneasiness around here." and"Get out of my F%$^ING house in Jesus name I pray." Pretty sure He was honored.

The other family was very "spiritual." Jeanne was a hypnotherapist, and hosted a radio talk show about love and relationships. She tried to hypnotize one of the daughters of the family she was staying with. ( It should be noted that when she does hypnosis it is done with a microphone from across the room. Making it all the more weird.)The girl ended up taking a "very relaxing nap." Jeanne's best quote/action: "I will count to 5 and you will wake up"...When 5 was reached the girl had done none of the 5 steps and was clearly sleeping so Jeanne took the microphone and held it up to the speaker to create a lovely feedback that woke the girl right out of her hypnotic slumber... I did feel bad for this lady she was pretty much verbally beat to death by Margarita's friends, who happened to be of the same breed as our dear sister . Has to be a terrier mix, very territorial and yippy. My favorite kind.

Lucky for everyone who missed it there will be another episode on next week with the same families. Let me just say it looks even more explosive. Go
here and watch the video if you can. I will warn you. You may appreciate your parents more after you watch it.

1 comment:

shalinn said...

"God loves a terrier...God didn't miss a stitch, be it dog or be it bitch...God loves a terrier."